About british cats

British Shorthair standard WCF

Body The medium to large sized cat is muscular and cobby. Chest, shoulders and back are broad and massive. Legs are short and muscular; paws thick and round.
The tail is medium long and thick with a rounded tip and reaches to the shoulders.
The neck is short and strong
Head The head is rounded, massive, broad with a firm chin. The nose is short, broad and straight.
The profile is12and pronounced. The large round whisker pads lend a distinct outline to the short muzzle.
Ears The ears are medium in size, broad at the base, with slightly rounded tips. They are set wide apart.
Eyes The eyes are large and round, set wide apart. Eye colour corresponds with coat colour.
Coat The coat is short and very dense, not close lying. It stands away from the body like plush due to the sufficient undercoat. The texture is not woolly, it is crisp.
Colour varieties All colours and colours with Siamese points without white are recognized. The description of colours is listed in the general list of colours.
limitations A profile with a stop
Scale of points:
Body 20 points
Head 30 points
Colour of the eyes 10 points
Coat texture 10 points
Coat length 15 points
Coat colour, pattern 10 points
Condition 5 points

British Shorthair. History of the breed.

bri-historyBritish Shorthair - one of the oldest breeds, the history of which, according to one version, began 2000 years ago when the ancestors of the modern British cats arrived in England with the Roman conquerors. In ancient Rome and Egypt cats lived side by side with a man, and in the chronicles of ancient Rome, there is mention of the "huge powerful gray cats with sharp claws and a large, bright, round eyes." In 43 AD the Roman conquest of Britain began territories.

In the second version, it was the cats who came to the British Isles, along with sailors from the territory of modern-day France. In France, at the monastery of Chartres, once lived and fished rats large blue cats are similar in description to the modern British Shorthair.


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